Maddie Robertson

Doctor of Physical Therapy
Sports and Pelvic Health Specialist

Dr. Maddie Robertson is a physical therapist at MBody who fosters an individualized care experience fueled with energy, compassion, and evidence informed practice. Her professional focus encompasses the comprehensive care of diverse populations, including weekend warriors, competitive athletes, and pregnant/postpartum individuals, facilitating their return to optimal movement and function.

She has completed specialty training with the Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute for addressing pelvic floor dysfunction and treatment for the female athlete, alongside achieving recognition as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

Maddie is a Durango, Colorado native who played soccer at the NCAA DII level in North Carolina before completing her graduate studies at the University of Montana in the DPT and MBA programs. Outside of the clinic you can find her competing in volleyball and soccer leagues across the city, and skiing, camping, and training for half marathons with her husband, Kasey.