Portrait of Sunny wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

Sunny Estrada

Manager of Operations

Sunny has been in the dental and OBGYN customer service experience and management for over 20 years. She has been with Mbody Health since 2023 during the development phase. She's very excited and thankful for this new opportunity.

She understands what it is like to be a physical therapy patient. She's had many years of physical therapy and understands the difficulties of day-to-day life dealing with chronic and debilitating pain due to injury. She's happy to share her experience and journey with you as a fellow patient. 

In her free time, Sunny spends as much time with her family, her husband and her two children. Next year Sunny will officially be an empty nester as her oldest graduates from college and her youngest graduates from high school. Sunny looks forward to this new exciting chapter in her career and home.